Denture repairs are an absolute necessity when it comes to the up keep and longevity of dentures. This is why at Dentaltech we are striving to educate those in our profession, on some of the key points to ensure patient satisfaction, and a straightforward workflow to make all of our lives easier.
Every great story starts with information, and in dentistry the impression is where we get our information from. Alginate is our preferred impression material for denture repairs. We all know sometimes taking an impression is not always possible. In this circumstance we just receive the denture in it’s broken state, and are tasked with repairing it. This is how Dentaltech Lab go about repairing it:
- Firstly the denture is temporarily stuck together and a cast is made while the denture is in its optimal dimension.
- An Over bite is created, and we record these dimensions, this is paramount we believe in all repairs. (figure 1)
- This is done using dental plaster, and we take care to isolate the denture so that it can be removed easily.
- The fracture site should be built up in localised areas so is that there is sufficient strength while proceeding with the repair. (figure 2)
- Once the denture is removed it is still broken at the fracture site, but the fit and accuracy of the cast is checked by seating both pieces separately. (figure 3,4)

- The cast is then treated with a thin coat of cold mould seal for a clean finish after processing.
- The fracture site is then trimmed to a gradual point and roughened using carbide burs to ensure a chemical bond. To back this up a mechanical bond is achieved using a series of multi layered disk burs. (figure 5)
- While processing the repair we place it in the overbite to maintain its dimensions. When this is complete, fine lines are marked using a propelling pencil on the height of contour of the cast where the denture extremities were located. (figure 6)
- This is without doubt the most crucial part of the whole process in maintaining the fit. Following these marks will ensure minimal adjustment will be necessary when fitting the denture. (figure 6)
- Once the lines are visible, the optimal dimensions are restored and a high shine is achieved and sent back to the clinic for the patient to enjoy.